MRMR version 0.1.3 is now available on CRAN. This is (almost) the same version that was discussed at the CLRS two weeks ago. MRMR - Multivariate Regression Models for Reserving- is a tool for non-life actuaries to estimate liability reserves. The emphasis is on exploratory data analysis, visualization and model diagnostics. At present, the framework [...]

PirateGrunt goes to the CLRS

Yesterday, I had the great pleasure to speak about using R for loss reserving at the Casualty Loss Reserving Seminar in Boston. My time was spent talking about MRMR, an R package that I've created. Version 0.1.2 is now on CRAN, but as there are a couple of bugs, I'd suggest waiting until version 0.1.3 [...]

Fun with random effects in loss reserving

For some time now, I've advocated for the view that non-life loss reserving constitutes a categorized linear regression. I'll emphasize that the idea of a linear regression isn't remotely novel. Further, the categorization is the de facto approach. I'm merely recognizing it and suggesting instances where a decision may be made about the optimality of [...]

Object Orientation in R – Notes from a novice

Having posted some code to Git a few days ago and having been wholly dissatisfied with it, I began to do what I often do with code I don't like. I started re-writing it bigger and weirder and more philosophically pure. Part of this search for Platonic code lead me to explore object oriented programming [...]

Loss reserving has a new, silly name

I started using Git some time ago, but mostly for local work files. Today, I finally sync'ed up a repository for loss reserving analysis. It may be found here: MRMR stands for Multivariate Regression Model for Reserves. When pronounced "Mister Mister" it also sounds like a thankfully forgotten American soft pop band from the [...]

You can’t spell loss reserving without R

Last year, I spent a morning trying to return to first principles when modeling loss reserves. (Brief aside to non-actuaries: a loss reserve is the financial provision set aside to pay for claims which have either not yet settled, or have not yet been reported. If that doesn't sound fascinating, this will likely be a [...]

Confit de Stanard, Part 1 – The Rant

I'm breaking this up into two parts to isolate the political elements from the purely objective presentation. I'll start off with some very biased comments about the legacy of Stanard's Monte Carlo reserving example. The next post will present that model in R. It's now been over 30 years since Stanard published his famous (to [...]